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Bienvenue sur mon blog ! / Welcome to my blog !


But de ce blog

L'objectif de ce blog est de partager des informations utiles concernant l'eau, la santé et l'environnement et en particulier sur les propriétés médicinales de plantes, épices, fruits et racines. Je vous suis reconnaissante de me faire part de vos commentaires directement sur le blog ou de me contacter par courriel si vous avez des questions.


Dr. Andrea H. Oess - Biochimiste MSc et Ingénieure en Environnement Ph.D.

Auteure du livre "Plantes médicinales et culinaires de St-Cergue"qui est en vente chez Lulu.


Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu." >http://Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

The aim of this blog

The aim of this blog is to share helpful information about about water, health and the environment and in particular on the health benefits of plants, spices, fruits and roots. I am thankful to receive your comments and feedbacks directly on this blog or to contact me if you have any questions.


Dr. Andrea H. Oess - Biochemist MSc and Environmental Engineering Ph.D.

Author of the book "Medicinal and Culinar plants from St-Cergue". Available in French

with the name of each plant in French, German, Italian & English.


Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu." >http://Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

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